Should you get tested for COVID-19?

Getting tested provides knowledge and allows people to take the required actions to make sure everyone is safe. Not all people need to get tested however and it is not recommended to be tested if you are asymptomatic (not feeling any symptoms. See symptoms of Covid-19 here[link]). If you are feeling symptoms, the best course of action to do is to contact one of our doctors at the clinic to help go over the next steps.

People are generally at risk for COVID when having direct exposure to a confirmed case.

In regards to testing, the doctor can advise you whether or not you should test. There are also self-assessment tools available through: or via

However our doctors are more than happy to help you with any concerns with your symptoms and may be able to provide more care. Moreover, it is easy to access our doctors, they are just a phone call away, click here to see how to access our doctors during the pandemic [link]

*The information on this blog does not replace medical advice and may be not be up to date.

Where to Get Tested for COVID-19.

Getting Tested for COVID-19 is important to help contain the spread.

Testing for COVID-19 occurs at assessment centres by appointment. For a list of testing facilities that are government funded, please visit for locations in Ontario. .

You can also find third-party (also known as privately funded) assessment centre.

You should call ahead before going to the facility to book an appointment and see to confirm your eligibility to test yourself and see if any centre specific actions are required.

After a COVID-19 test, you should remain in self-isolation while waiting for your test result. If you had symptoms, you should also ask those in your household to isolate as well. If you had no symptoms, you still have to self isolate and self monitor yourself and symptoms while awaiting test results.

There are two (2) main tests for COVID-19; a PCR test and antigen Test.

  • The PCR test involves taking a swab from the nose or throat and check for traces of COVID-19 that may be infecting the patient.
  • The antigen test tests your body's immune response to a possible infection for COVID-19, these tests are typically faster but can be less accurate and more prone to false negatives, which mean a report has a negative result but you may are infected.

There are also blood antibody tests which do can provide information if you had ever been infected by COVID-19 and your body reacted to the infection but does not provide information if you are still infected.

For more information, you can visit

Understanding COVID Test Results

Once you receive results which takes typically seven days to get, you will be informed if you were POSITIVE for COVID or NEGATIVE.

If you are POSITIVE, you will be contacted directly by Public Health and you should self-isolate for at least 10 days from the start of your symptoms or from conducting the test if you do not have any symptoms. People whom you have been in contact with such as household members should also self-isolate for 14 days since their last exposure to you. You should remain in isolation as long as symptoms persist and you may leave isolation once you do not have a fever for two days consecutively.


If you have tested NEGATIVE, you will still need to be isolating for some period of time as you may be still at risk of developing COVID-19. If you have symptoms, you should stay in self-isolation for at least 24 hours after your symptoms are gone. If you develop symptoms or get worsening symptoms, you should retest.


For more information,you can visit

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